Should I request bloodwork before beginning this medication?

My doctor did a ultrasound. Saw multiple ovarian cyst. We’ve seen them ever since I was 15. 🙄 nothing new there, Doc. He did a biopsy of my uterine lining. A week (one eternity) later he called back as said it was normal and nothing to worry about. But my cycles are still all over the place either every 2 weeks or ever 70 days. No in between. 😢

I have two miracle boys I was told I would never have. I’ve lost 4 that never made it to term. So my question is after the biopsy comes back “normal,” the cysts are still all over both ovaries, I’m getting “too old to carry a healthy baby to term at ‘my age (in my early 40s),’ why would you put a woman with high blood pressure on medication (hormones) that says on the bottle clear as day “WARNING MAY CAUSE STROKE. DO NOT TAKE IF YOU HAVE HYPERTENSION.” Especially without doing any other type of blood work to find out if this type of hormone is truly required or not?