Dating a younger man… opinions please!


So, asking for opinions… I’ve been dating a guy for 3 months who is much younger than me. I’m 41 - he’s 28. We were good friends for about a year or so before we got together. I’ve never dated younger but well here I am now… For whatever reason he is the most mature kindest most supportive partner I’ve ever had. Like straight marriage material. But the age thing gets to me a bit. We both want to settle down and have a family. Of course though we are different in so many ways. But he is so kind and thoughtful and considerate and supportive. And the chemistry is amazing and everything feels so natural and equal and wonderful. My fear is that in 10 years things will be different. I’ll be in menopause and he’ll still be young in so many ways. I unreasonably get concerned about how it appears to others with him so young. I recognize that some of this is irrational. He has done nothing but been wonderful and demonstrate his love for me. But I’m at the time where I need to have a kid now or never… so well, there are fears there. Anyways, anyone have thoughts on settling down with a much younger man?