TW Child SA


So.. I recently opened a case for my 3yo autistic daughter against her BIRTH father…

They did the forensic interview, checked her and everything, I’m just in shambles…..

I’m not going to go into detail about what happened to her, she told me what happened, as well as telling to interviewers. (It is also something the father confirmed to me months back, but I didn’t know more was added to it)

I feel guilty. The only thing I knew was about it was them showering together.. I didn’t know there was more.

But now, the child services is coming to my house (knowing I am in the process of moving, so I’ll be unpacking my new house when they come, and also aware I am a week away from my c section)

I feel horrible.. my daughter constantly asks to go see him, and it’s not her fault. She’s only 3, but it’s heart breaking.

I should add, there is a legitimation court order (with a parenting plan, it’s 50/50 custody) and I have a restraining order against him (which happened 2 months after the legitimation) he also has warrants out for his arrest.

I just feel failed by the system in a way.. but I also feel like I failed as a mother. I understand why they have to do a house inspection in my house ( they said to see which parent is more fit for full custody) it’s just.. I don’t know. I have too many thoughts running in my head.