My baby boy is finally here 😍☺️👶🏽

Yadhira • Mother to a beautiful boy ❤️
Welcome to the world Nolan Leon Lora 😘
January 2,2016 @ 12:26 in the afternoon 
9 pounds and 6 ounces , 20 inches long ❤️
He's the best thing, I'm so in love with him. I never knew I could love someone so much as much as I love him. He completely melts my heart every time I stare into his eyes. I love my beautiful baby boy so much ☺️❤️
Birth story: woke up around 4am with a strong contraction, decided to push and my water broke all over the place. By the time the ambulance came and I got to the hospital I was 4cm dialated. I Got the epidural(best decision of my life) when I was 5cm. I quickly progressed from a 5 to a 10 in a 1-3 hours. I pushed him out at 12:26 in the afternoon.