Tried of this Rape subject.


Now i have read it all from different women. This subject came off an oral sex comment. How the hell did rape come in? Someone please tell me wtf i missed. Sex was never in that post oral sex was.

Now some women added in that their partners had sex with them while they were sleep which had nothing to do with the initial post were talking about.

See I need some of you over sensitive grown beautiful women to grow up and pay better attention to what you read before you go off and speak.

This app is for all women to come and vent, have fun, answer questions, or ask them. Not go the hell off cuz you having a shitty day or try to be an ass cuz people had you their's all day. Be respectful of one another. If you don't care for a post do what grown women do and respectfully post without blowing up.

This whole rape thing has gone too far and im tired of it.

To those who have been raped im really sorry. If you are still scared and going through some stuff from it you need to seek help a simple post should not put you on edge. Especially one talking about oral sex when you sleeping. If it does your rape hass effected your life nore then you know.