I'm a pregnant???

Sukay • Mother of 2 beautiful girls 6 and 3....living for family....I love my partner and my kiddis❤️❤️❤️that`s my world😍❤️😍❤️
Hey guys my periode is late now for more then 2 weeks....I also feel really emotional and sensitive....my man and I just dicidet to stop birth control 2 months ago if I'm pregnant that was really fast wow....I'm just to scared to take a PT I don't want to be dissapointed again......😍🙈👶🏽💏👨‍👩‍👧👪 Ohhhh yes i am.....🙈🙈🙈🙈This will Be baby#3...my man is so so happy but I was expecting more happienes for my self guess my hormones are just so confused or maybe I'm little scared of baby #3 I have no idea right now😁👶🏽