Pregnancy Advice

Because it would be rude of me to spout this off on Facebook or to my family and friends, I have to do it on here or my pregnancy hormones are going to make me explode. Plus, I'm sure you all understand for the most part. I'm 27 weeks pregnant with a baby boy, well over halfway there, and this is my first pregnancy. We ALL by this point have probably experienced the annoying advice that makes no sense OR just isn't what YOU want to do with YOUR child. I'm going to make a list of the many different pieces of advice I have been given or questions people have asked me and why it annoys me.
1. "You know, you CAN actually drink 1-2 beers or some wine a day while pregnant." ORRRR I'm an already terrified first time mom and I refuse to risk anything on alcohol. Not worth it. 
2. "You HAVE to sleep on your back, it was the most comfortable position for me." Well, my OB told me not to and when I sleep on my back I feel incredibly uncomfortable. I know some women enjoy this, but I don't.
3. "You know what's dumb? Those gender reveal parties." Hmmm that's funny because I chose to have one of those dumb parties. I loved being able to reveal to all of my family and friends at the same time what our baby is.
4. "Sleep while you still can because here soon you're done sleeping." One, I chose to have this child knowing I was going to give up my right to sleeping and getting a full night in. I'm more than excited for that. Also, have they tried sleeping when they have to get up to pee every 2 hours or just can't get comfortable? Impossible.
5. "Sleep while the baby sleeps" or "get all of your other stuff done while the baby sleeps." I've heard both sides, but this is one of those we mommas just need to figure out on our own. Because it worked one way for some people, definitely doesn't mean it will work that way for others. Let me just figure it out. I learn best by doing, not by being told what to do.
6. "Breastfeed. You will lose so much weight from it." I'm choosing to breastfeed (hopefully I am able to), but it's not because of how it benefits me, that's just an added plus. It benefits my child, and that's what's important to me. 
7. "Don't breastfeed. When I did I lost no weight. It just wasn't worth it." Refer to my last post. 
8. "Better start working out now to make your life easier later." Okay and you better just stop speaking to me because that's incredibly rude. I'm not an overweight woman, but even if I was, other people have no business telling me how to live my life. 
9. "You have an excuse, you're eating for two." OR "ooooh better not eat that, it only takes 9 months to put on, but a heck of a lot longer to get off." Again, that is beyond rude. If I want to eat a piece of cake, let me. If I want to go work out, let me. If I want to eat all organic food, let me.... Which by the way, I make pretty good food choices, but will indulge in sweets every now and then. Sue me. 
10. A question that annoys me that I somehow get everyday at least two times a day. "How are you feeling? Any morning sickness?" Don't get me wrong, I enjoy talking about my pregnancy. I also feel terrible for women who experience morning sickness throughout their entire pregnancy. 8 weeks of that was plenty for me. The people that ask me this, however, are people I work with everyday. They know I'm not experiencing morning sickness. My go to answer is now "great as always." 
11. "You're still so early." Nope, actually I'm close to him being here. 13 weeks away, only 11 until we are considered full term. I'm not early at all. I'm 27 weeks and will be considered in my third and final trimester in just one more week. Plus have you SEEN my belly?!?
12. The worst is when people who don't have children and never have had children try to give me advice on pregnancy. We have had our children-less friends tell us "you really need to only sleep him in a bassinet for the first 6 months, nothing else." "Breastfeeding is gross and it ruins your boobs." "Please don't change him in front of me if I come over." ..... Don't come over then people!
I had to rant. My patience is wearing thin with it all, and I don't know how much longer I will last before I explode. Some advice we have gotten is wonderful, but please don't give it to me unless we ask or if you are close to me. otherwise, let me and my husband figure it out together. :)