VVVVFL or wishful thinking?!

Ughhhhhh I never thought I'd get so crazy over a test!!! This is an early response type, it supposedly tells you 4 days before AF and has a sensitivity of 10miu.  I'm 10dpo, AF is due Jan 7th, so this is the soonest I could use it. 
I swear I see a teeny tiny little line, but it's so dang thin and I'm worried it's just an evap.  I know the line isn't super visible in the unedited, but it has pink to it in person and I think it definitely shows up on the tweak!!! Could a line this thin end up being a BFP?   I plan on retesting if nothing shows up on the 7th, but I'd just like to know what other eyes can see!  Thank you guys in advance!!