Formula feeding schedule


Hi All 👋

I’m a ftm so forgive me if this question is a little naive.

My 2 month old recently started sleeping through about 6-7 hours overnight. As we have dropped a bottle overnight she is no longer taking in the same amount of calories as she once was. She is taking 4oz every 4 hours. However, if we didn’t offer the bottle she would go longer.

She is also a reflux baby and has a very hard time with silent reflux - a lot of times she will guzzle the whole bottle but we don’t know if it’s actually because she is hungry or she is looking for comfort. Because if this, we also don’t want to feed her too large of a feed at one time.

Struggling to figure out how I can keep her calories up when she is disinterested in feeding less than every four hours without waking her in the night for a feed