Husband not attracted to me anymore..


Our daughter is about to turn a year in about 2 weeks and since she’s been about 6 months I’ve noticed my husband being a bit distant. Our sex life is about what you would expect for being with someone for almost a decade.. a bit boring but we go on tangents where for about a week or two it’s crazy and hot.

I just found out I am pregnant again and was so shocked because I didn’t even think it could remember the last time we were intimate.

A few days ago I needed to borrow his phone for some reason and I noticed that he was looking up women on his social media. Some he doesn’t know and some he does know.

Now, I have okayed him looking at videos and pictures but I started thinking that him being on his phone has been an every minute of the day thing.

Well I slept on it and stuff just started clicking. Lack of intimacy, not making time for me or his daughter, not wanting to do anything but be on his phone.

The next day I brought it up and of course he stated that I said it was okay and couldn’t see my point that it was affecting our relationship and relationship with his daughter and that is what I wasn’t okay with.

He finally admitted that he was addicted to the porn.

I asked him why he got addicted in the first place because I was curious and already hurt at that point.

He finally said that he has lost attraction towards me, not fully but some.

I left that night. I was so hurt. This isn’t the man I married, I know I’ve been bloated and I know I’ve gained weight but never would I have imagined my best friend and partner to be this shallow.

He begged me not to go and that he didn’t mean it. Saying it was this reason and that reason.

I told him the truth and told him that I was leaving him. That I’m not going to change my body for someone that is suppose to love me for who I am.

He said that he is still attracted and still wants sex but we’ve had maybe a handful of quickies and maybe 1 good round.

He’s begged me that he’s going to change and that he does find me attractive and it was just that one time.

With our daughter and this kid on the way I figured I could try to make it work. For them.

He’s going to try for 1st shift and we have a therapy session lined up.

I still feel so hurt and so betrayed. He’s acting like we were when we first got together.

Super attached to me, sending me messages after messages and if I don’t answer he calls me.

He’s wanting to touch all on me and wanting to please me.

I guess what I’m looking for is anyone who has maybe been through this and could maybe help or give me advice?

Thank you and thank you for reading and sticking through the long explanation❤️