No ‘period’ for nearly a year pp 🤷‍♀️


So I had my first baby via planned c section, I had my pp bleed that lasted for almost a month, followed by my first period a while after- during this period I got put on the mini pill the period finished after 8 days just 1 day extra as my normal cycle is 7 days , however shortly after I began having irregular bleeding. I bled constantly for months sometimes only going a week per month without bleeding ( not a week straight it would be random days) so I spoke to my gp and got put on a different brand of mini pill (I still had irregular bleeding but not as frequent and more light) I stayed on it for 3 ish months before stopping due to horrible mood swings and the random bleeding, I’ve now been off bc for 6-7 months and still suffer with irregular bleeding, it’s very very light either brown or pinky when I wipe not enough for a pad, my first is now almost 1.5 years and we’ve been ttc since 6months with obvious no luck

I don’t think I’m ovulating

I took conceive plus ovulation support and fertility support aswell as macca root and nothing helped. Feeling so lost and out of control of my body. Any advice would be great