Vaginal hematoma after delivery , long story


On my last pregnancy I delivered my son vaginal everything went smoothly I got a 2nd degree tear like usual I had it with 3 of my babies, but this time within 30 minutes after my ob was done I developed this major hematoma, when my senior nurse arrived to my room to check me she saw it and literally backed off on me and said she was not going to take care of me , she was not going to be liable if something happened to me, me and my husband looked at each other clueless, we didn’t know what was going on at the time , so the senior nurse put a new nurse in charge of me , Poot thing she was so scared but she did an amazing job of taking care of me and my baby , few hours passed by and my OB showed up and he told me what was going on he even took a picture and showed me I was speechless , he told me that this is a very unusually thing to happen, I was his 1st case in his whole years of practice (20 years ) so he just told me to leave it alone and to put the iced pads and not to mess with it , well after that I got to go home after 3 days in the hospital the next day I woke up with 102 fever and I called the hospital and they told me to take some Tylenol if the fever would not go down within 1hr to head to the hospital, 45 minutes later and my fever was 103 so my husband tome to the hospital and they rushed me in I was SEPIS , thank god I got there on time I was so close to go into shock, my heart reat was 140 , they explained me that si ce the hematoma was blocking my vagina a lot of the blood was staying inside and that caused the infection in my uterus and from there went to my bloodstream, I spend 3 days in the hospital with antibiotics … I was wondering is anyone here has been through this before?