What should normal EBF poop look like?


Super long post

So when my baby was about a month old he was having stringy poop diapers and grunting and straining a lot. The pediatrician recommended I go dairy free and soy free. My husbands family goes to a nutritional response lady. So basically she uses these vials and holds them up to parts of your body to see if your body’s energy responds to it. If your body doesn’t agree with a specific food your arm will drop. I went after I suffered a miscarriage because I was terrified of losing another baby and I thought maybe if I ate the right foods it wouldn’t happen again. I know, silly logic. So basically I took my baby to her it’s non invasive and she said dairy affects his spinal system and a bunch of other places. So I stop dairy and soy. His diapers look okay but super runny.

My husband has a nut allergy and my baby is a Velcro baby to the extreme. So I basically went 3 months without eating anything of nutritional value except dinner which my husband would take for lunch the next day so I had no means of getting nutrition. I nearly throw up every time I eat eggs. If I wanted to try to make food, he would scream if I put him down and even cry if I baby wore. Then, my baby developed eczema during this diet.

So fast forward to this month and my baby was having super super runny diapers with mucus. He would also take days to poop and it would be full of mucus. His diapers smell absolutely foul to the point where I’m gagging.

My husband basically was like “that nutritional response lady is a crook and I think he’s not sensitive to dairy or soy. You’re killing your self trying to keep up with this diet just eat some dairy and see how he does”

So I have been eating dairy for a few days and nothing has changed. He’s still pooping every few days, and it’s still full of mucus. His eczema has not returned.

I’m hoping to ask the pediatrician to test his stool for blood. I just feel like a shit mom trying dairy again.