TMI warning- am I ovulating?


Sorry for tmi in the photos

I’m TTC baby #2 — Really irregular periods since I had a baby via c-section over a year ago. I don’t get my period very often anymore (which I was very regular before baby was born) and cycles after baby’s birth have ranged from 40-80 days. Waiting to get in to see doctor and do more bloodwork, as I think I might have hormone issues. Doctor tried me on birth control for 3 months and I didn’t get my period back, and it’s been two missed period cycles since I’ve come off bc.

I am on cycle day 66 since last period that was induced by bc pill and have been off pill since then. I know my opk’s are negative from this morning in the photo, I only got a flashing smiley on my clear blue digital, and I will test again when I am home…but this looks like egg white cm to me…very stretchy. Do you think I am ovulating? Thanks 🙏🤞