Pregnancy paranoia


Okay. This is a question I don't really expect an answer for, because it's probably something I should really ask a doctor. But my mind won't rest and it's killing me. I had a silent miscarriage last yr at 22wks due to a small tear in my placenta. I lost my babygirl.... And now I'm pregnant again and I had a family domestic violence situation (not the father of my child) my bio father is abusive and assaulted me. It's a long story. I was told my baby was surrounded by bleeding and bruising in my uterus or subchorionic hemorrhaging is the medical term for it. And they said baby was doing great u know measurements where on point bpm was 177. But with this hemorrhaging is it possible I could have another silent miscarriage????? Back to back? I'm going to do labs today but that just isn't enough to let me know if my baby is still surviving through this damage. I still have some pretty strong symptoms but some of them are fading away and I just don't know what to think. I feel like she's probably fine but my brain is telling me otherwise. Any other mommies experience a silent miscarriage? How did u heal from that or UK how did u cope with it?