BPD, bipolar and TTC

Hi, I was wondering if any ladies could help me... We're TTC, but I have bipolar 2 and borderline personality disorder (BPD). I was on Depakote and something else that I'm not sure what it was called until February 2015, when I moved from the UK to the US and had to stop taking it because I didn't have insurance but I'm actually doing really well without it. I was kinda worried that when/if I get pregnant that maybe the hormones would throw me off again. I used to self harm but have been clen for about 10 months now, and I just don't want to relapse and possibly harm any babies I may have, while harming myself. Is there any mommies out there who have the same illnesses and have any advice on what I could do? Or does anyone know any medications that are safe to take while TTC and pregnant in case I do decide to go back on now I have insurance? Really just want to prepare myself properly and look after any future children I may have! Thanks ladies.