Anyone else stress about missed miscarriages?


This is my third baby (it’s a boy, yay!) and I’ll be 16 weeks this Friday. I still have all the pregnancy symptoms like sore boobs, some nausea, cramping/back pain, and my stomach feels much heavier & I have a little bump!

I’m not having any bleeding or anything obviously but for some reason this time around I’ve been so worried that my baby has passed away and I don’t even know it. I’m anxiously awaiting my appointment next Monday to hear the heart beat. I know I’ll start feeling a lot better when I can regularly feel baby kicks, but right now it’s like I’m in a middle area where I know I’m pregnant but there’s nothing super obvious showing me my baby is growing how he should/doing okay.

Anyone else worry about things like this? I’m definitely an over thinker but I can’t help it 😅