Some of these folks havin kids


TTC in your 30s an seein people like sexy red and chrisean rock bein someone’s mother gets me so frustrated. An it sucks when you know people like them in real like preparing to bring a life into this world. Knowing you’ve been working on your mental, healthy relationships, stable foundations an still not preg. My man an I been tryin for years, an everytime I turn around someone who shouldn’t even raise a gold fish is havin a baby. This is so discouraging. An sadly we all know the type of people they are goin to raise🤦🏾‍♀️. I literally just got invited to a baby shower of a young kinda relative of mine who shouldn’t be nobody mama. Her mama did a not so good job raising her, an her siblings, sad to say, an I watched as history just keep repeating itself. Both generations got records and had kids a young age wit barely any education. Always runnin the streets. An here I am stable relationship, house, mental health in check, eat healthy an ready still prayin 🙏🏾an waitin on my chance to be a great mother😢I got so much love to give. An it just 💔I don’t understand. I’m trust Gods time but I just don’t understand.