Muscle cramps or spasms?

Hi so I need some advice because I don't feel like I'm getting the right information from my doctor. This is my second pregnancy (37+5) and while I had a great problem free first pregnancy this time around its been hell. From really bad morning sickness to these weird muscle cramps or spasms in my right leg. I understand that every pregnancy is different but nobody can explain to me why I get these cramps. My leg was fine up until they gave me two shots of progesterone and that's when it started. Both times in my right butt cheek. After the second time I began getting the cramps and my instincts told me it's from the shot so I discontinued it. Every time I complain about it the doctor just says its from the baby and dismiss it. I'm about to go to another hospital and see what their doctors say because I truly don't believe it's the baby doing this to me. Majority of the time it happens, he's not even moving around. Has this happened to anyone else?