Help!! A bit TMI. (Very wacky cycle)

My cycle is ALWAYS 27days. But for some reason despite that fact <a href="">EVE</a> predicted a 30day cycle. It’s currently CD 32!! <a href="">EVE</a> says I’m only 2days late (according to a 30day cycle) but I’m actually 5 days late (according to my 27 day cycle)There’s no sign of AF coming any time soon but I have been feeling nauseous, extreme fatigue, and dizziness . My CM is milky white and there’s a lot more than usual. Every test I’ve taken has been negative and I don’t know what to do anymore. According to <a href="">EVE</a> my most fertile days fell between the 28th and 4th. My bf and I had sex on Oct 3rd and despite using protection the condom came off inside of me and the contents definitely spilled out. I don’t know if I’m pregnant or not and I don’t know where to go from here.