Need some advice for my little girl!!


My baby girl is 5. She’s biracial her biological father is black and I am Hispanic. He is not in her life so she is not familiar with his side of the family. She gets her hair from him, she has beautiful tight curly hair. Lately she has been uspet telling me she hates her hair. We live in a small town and there are not too many biracial kids with similar hair. I have always told her how beautifully she is and how beautiful her hair is. We did her hair care last night and let her hair dry naturally so this morning it was a little crazy, but so is anyone’s after they wake up. She woke up crying about how she hated her hair and that she was ugly. Broke my heart. I told her how I loved her hair and that she must always love her hair that it’s beautiful and lots of people have hair like hers. My heart just breaks that she feel that way.. was looking for some words of advice or comforting things to tell her. Sometimes I don’t know if I’m saying all the right things or if there’s more I could be telling her. I just want her to love her skin and the hair she’s blessed with.