3 year old potty training help


Hey everyone! My 3 year old is working on potty training, and overall he is doing very well. He knows when he needs to go, and does actually go on the potty. He recognizes it if he does have an accident. The problem is that he will go on the toilet, and literally 10 minutes later, he pees his pants. Why does he do this? His daycare teacher and I think that he mayb isnt emptying his bladder completely when he goes. Any tips on how to help him with this? We both feel that if we could get him through this, he would have it down, for sure. Today, his teacher, said that he went potty, 10 minutes later, peed his pants, sat back on the toilet and went potty again. How and why is he peeing this much?? He does occasionally go potty, then go potty again, on the toilet, 10 minutes later. He has never acted like he is in pain with it and his pee has always been a normal color, so i definitely dont think there is an infection or anything. Looking for those tips on helping him empty his bladder in 1 sitting.