Just venting... life is hard

Hello everyone.. im 26 and.have a 4 and 2 year old. Just.found out.a week ago that.im.pregnant again with my third baby.Me and the kids father havent been.doing well since ha has many many issues.. huge gamblin problem and drug.problem that also shows up mostly.when.he gambles.. I always wanted to give my kids the perfect family and give them.a happy.life. i would love.to do better but its.impossible.with someone next to me pushing.me down. Im not trying to be conceited lol but im very beautiful and i know i could do.way better.. he is 47 and all he does is tell me that im in the way of his life and need to mind my business or if i express any kind of emotion he gets mad and flips out.. there are times when.hes doing good and he is not amazing but great.. i just want to be happy and see my.kids happy. Im terrified he is.going to lose his life and im scared.to start over.. i also am not financially.stable since i do.not trust him with the kids alone for long periods of time. I constantly worry he is.doing drugs around.them because he always did until a few months ago.. all i want is to be qith my babies all the time i.can and also to have a prtner who.i can.grow with and.not feel scared or threatened or like im not good enough.. i think im just venting because i know everyone.will.say just leave.But its not as easy to.do.it. my heart aches for my poor kids and now im pregnant again and have 0 support actually he just says he doesnt want nothing.to do with me or my kids because we stop him from living his own life.. i just feel so broken