Stroller advice?

My soon to be 2 yr old is also soon to be a big brother. He’s never liked the stroller no matter what give him he cries and we must carry him. It has never been a problem but I’m soon to have a newborn so I can’t be carrying him while pushing the stroller for the newborn I could but as y’all can understand I can’t carry him everywhere and carry of my newborn. I don’t trust him to only hold him by the hand he’s still little. Idk what to do just suck it up and let him cry while everyone sees us give us a look like we hurt our child”he cries “hysterically”. I was thinking of a wagon to see if he would enjoy a trip there but I’m scared of a big purchase and being a waste of money!! I was also thinking of a stand attachment for current stroller but husband thinks he must have a place to sit if needed. So I was thinking of a double stroller but what’s the point if he hates the stroller already? Please anyone who’s been in my shoes, I need an advice! How did it go with this problem?