Toddler constipation help

So long story short last Wednesday my 3 year old got an X-ray on her stomach done to see if she was constipated. She definitely was, she’s been on Mirilax twice daily and Seena for 3 days which is supposed to make her have a bowel movement. It didn’t work. She has had no bowel movements in 8 days now.

I called the nurse to say the Seena hasn’t worked and she told us to go PediaLax which is a liquid glycerin suppository. She told me she was going to talk to the doctor later today and call me back.

She had 2 bowel movements right after the PediaLax. Nothing major but definitely a bit. The nurse called me back then, saying before she knew if the PediaLax worked, the dr wanted to have her do an enema. The nurse said we should probably still do the enema bc we should be seeing 8 days worth of stool coming out.

I am going to pick the enema kit up after work. Well she’s gone 3 MORE times from the PediaLax since the phone call an hour ago, and still seems like she will continue going (she bounces around when she has to go). A decent amount each time, but the last one was huge

My husband thinks we shouldn’t do the enema bc the PediaLax is working well. What do you guys think?