His diaper was laying in his crib.

Good morning y’all. It’s like 6 am. My son just got up. He was standing up in his crib. So I grabbed him went out to the living room. Set him down in his play yard, I guess he wasn’t wearing a diaper. I think he took it off in his crib. Right after I put him in I went pee, came back to him with a diaper, and was like he’s not wearing one? He’s 16 months old. So I went back in the bedroom, checked the crib and there was his diaper. What the heck is even going on? Did he like take off his diaper? Idk.

The other night his diaper was like coming off. Well one side was undone when he woke up. So I immediately put a new diaper on and he filled it up with pee in like 10 mins it was soaked. So I was thinking he might’ve been waiting to pee in his new diaper. I’m sorry it’s so early but I’m confused if he actually did this or what is going on.

His crib is so close to my side of the bed. He could probably pee on me lmao

What do I do?