Here is My story


I’m just leaving this here and anyone can comment and relate as they want.

I found out I was pregnant. I started setting up appointments and taking prenatal vitamins immediately after finding out the good news. My boyfriend and I haven’t been trying for a baby but it was the best news anyone could have ever received and we where so excited. I kept 1 of the 2 tests. Sent one with his parents because I didn’t even know how far along I was.

Fast forward, this month. I have been in the hospital 3 times. 1st time, UTI. 2nd time, Subchorionic Hematoma. (Google definition of Subchorionic Hematoma-A subchorionic hematoma is when blood collects under the chorion membrane during pregnancy. This membrane attaches the mother’s uterine wall to her baby’s amniotic sac.) 3rd time, cramping and ultimately told I lost the baby… During this past month I found out I made it 8 weeks. Then just when the cramps started on Halloween I lost the baby in a blink of an eye.

This sucks and I just wanted to share my story. I got the definition of Subchorionic hematoma from here-

Anyways figure I would share my story so that whoever wants to read it they can. Leave me some tips if you have any. Tia ❤️