Help Please


Hello everyone I’m a 16 year old FTM and having a hard time with my baby. She’s started wanting everyone else but me about a week ago maybe closer to two weeks and she’s gonna be a month in 2 days. She’ll cry for hours with me but as soon as her dad or grandmas hold her she’s fine again, it’s starting to really really affect me mentally. I was already diagnosed with depression at 11 years old so I don’t know if maybe I also have PPD (my therapist is helping me in case I do) but maybe that makes her struggle with me or something but she barley feeds well with me anymore too. Maybe we didn’t bond enough or maybe she just doesn’t like me anymore. Whenever she does cry with others they easily calm her down but since all of this has been happening I’ve been crying every time I can’t calm her so maybe that’s also affecting how she is with me. We think she might be colic but that wouldn’t explain why she is easily calmed by everyone else and not me. I just have been having a really hard time and want to know if anyone else has experienced this or knows what I can do to help? I am the one that feeds, changes, and dresses her the most and I play with her, sing to her, read books to her and do tummy time whenever she’s awake but nothings been working. I just feel like she hates me and I don’t know what I did to make that happen.