Separation Anxiety at 6 months


My daughter has had extremely bad separation anxiety since she was 4 months old. She will scream for hours when she is with someone else, even someone she knows well. No matter what they do, she won’t stop screaming and will sleep from exhaustion. She won’t drink breast milk either even though she drinks it if I feed her using a bottle so the bottle isn’t the problem. I don’t know what to do. I work from home most days and stay in a separate room but all I can hear is her desperate cries, so I usually feed her and put her to sleep during my break. I started working again 3 times a week when she turned 4 months and my mil has been watching her on those days so it’s not like she doesn’t know her. She does the same thing with my husband whenever she’s tired too.

Does anyone have any tips? I know that most babies have a period when they will cry after their mom leaves but they usually calm down afterwards, but it’s not happening with my daughter.