Please pray for me ❤️

Tami • 💍👼🏻💙👼🏻👼🏻


Had my second scan today and he still couldn’t see anything. Went to the ER yesterday due to extreme back pain and they found that I had a UTI. They ran my hcg and my levels were at 4,047.400 so around 5 or 6 weeks. I go back on the 15th for another scan, please keep praying for us, there is hope but not out of the rough yet ❤️

I have had 3 miscarriages in the past and finally found out expecting baby #2 about 3 weeks ago. I had my first appointment October 31st where they were expecting me to be at 10 weeks. I mentioned concern of spotting, I have had nothing but spotting on and off every day when I wipe and now the past couple days increasing. When they did my ultrasound he was not finding a baby or a heartbeat but, the sac. They thought maybe I was too early and scheduled me to come back this Wednesday for a viability scan to see if everything is okay. I am still spotting with cramping here and there but nothing terrible. I am asking for prayers that they find that baby and that heartbeat and that everything is healthy and just how it should be. Please pray for my strength and faith and that no fears will cave in. Thank you ladies, God bless ❤️