Thoughts ??

Long story short me n my bf got engaged in April now he wants to wait (become un engaged but doesn’t want to separate….his words) because I don’t want to have a 4 SUM … me +him+2 other women.... I told him I’m never changing my mind about that because it’s gross to me .. triple dicking NO THANKS LEAVE ME OUT … now I feels like he’s cheating he constantly going out every weekend (which he never done in writhing our 5years of being together) I asked he says no but it’s a gut feeling I can’t get rid of .. & he still randomly bring it up .. I had 2 kids for him n breastfed with both so my stomach is fat my breast are sagging .. I dealt wit depression n insecurities after our second she only a year old .. I offer to get surgery n pay for it myself he says no .. I jus need some feedback I have no friends to talk about this stuff with .. I had a aunt I use to call n talk to but she went and told some family members n it was a big thing on Easter n havent went back around them .. sorry I need to vent because I feel so alone

Edit this what he text me this morning RANDOMLY

The. Moments later he sends me the definition of happy & ask what makes me happy .. I never respond because it triggered my anxiety n pretended to be asleep n called him 2 hours later after I put the baby down for a nap ..

So at dinner jus now he ask me if I tried to hack his snap .. which is crazy because I didn’t kno he even got back on Snapchat he deleted once we 1st started talking HE ENCOURAGED BOTH OF US TO DELETE OUR SNAPCHAT BECAUSE ITS “distracting”.. n funny thing about that is HIS EX USE TO ALWAYS TRY TO HACK HIS SNAP so imagine how I’m feeling right now my stomach hurts so bad I haven’t touch dinner jus got up from the table and started cleaning.. I’m currently taking the longest bath n crying I hate my life right now ..