Should I do ivf?


It's been almost 1 year since I got pregnant, which I ended up losing at 21 weeks for unknown reasons. That was in April. I got pregnant again in August but ended in a 6 week miscarriage. I've tried every single cycle since the loss at 21 weeks, now going on cycle #7. 

All of my tests came back completely normal. My AMH was 3.18. My husband did a semen analysis which was deemed normal. So we're in unexplained territory. I do have a healthy 2 year old, who I conceived naturally on the first try. Also, the baby we lost was conceived on the first try. So it seems getting pregnant isn't the issue, and I don't have PCOS or endometriosis or anything like that. I ovulate regularly and have a very normal cycle. 

I'm turning 35 in a week, and I want to have 2 more kids. I'm seeing a fertility specialist and we are soon going to discuss our options. I really don't want to waste time. I want to get back to my life, and this process, this whole year, has been so stressful, and so not in control of this process. I'm worried that if I do nothing, it's just going to continue this way. I think I want to do <a href="">IVF</a> for a few reasons:

1. It will give me a little more control and insight into what's happening with this process

2. I would like to try to get multiple embryos that I can store for future use, knowing I want to have several more kids, and I'm already 35.

3. I want to test the embryos and ensure I'm attempting to get pregnant with the ones that have the best chance for survival. The thought of more losses scares me, I want to minimize that possibility as much as possible.

Also, my insurance covers 90% of <a href="">fertility treatment</a> costs including <a href="">ivf</a>.

I would love thoughts and advice from anyone who has gone through this. Thank you!!