My team green rainbow baby is here! Here’s our story:

Laura • 12/22/09 ❤️ 1/18/19 💙 4/20/21 💙 10/27/22 👼🏻 🌈 11/17/23 💙

I went to my regular OB on Tuesday for my 38 week appt. BP was 145/99, but it’s been consistently high, so no concerns from him.

I went to my high risk doctor (because of age) on Wednesday for my 38 week BPP and mention my BP has been high to the tech. She decided to check it just in case. It was slightly lower than the day before. I supply a urine sample so they can check for protein, but nothing. The doctor comes in and says “typically, anyone with gestational hypertension, we recommend delivery after 37 weeks. So go home, get your ducks in a row and come back”.

Now, my second born had a specialist appt Thursday morning that we had been waiting 9 months to get in. I wasn’t missing it. When my OB called to discuss our plan Wednesday, I asked if I could wait to go in until after my son’s appt. He agreed.

Thursday morning I get up and take him to his appt, my MIL arrives (drives 4 hours from her home), to take care of our first two while we go to the hospital.

We arrive to the hospital at noon, check in and wait for a bed, that we get around 2:30pm. Induction timeline:

- 4:30pm - 2cm foley balloon inserted and cytotec given orally

- 8:20pm - 4cm balloon out - contractions were 1-2 min apart

- 9:45pm - contractions a little further apart - maybe 3-5 min

- 11pm - still 4cm, broke waters

- 11:25pm - epidural, f’ing sucked getting it placed

- Midnight - 5cm

- 12:25- pitocin

- 1:45 - fully dilated at 10cm (I had been having strong contractions on my right sided due to the epidural stopping on that half of my body). We call the doc, who’s at home, to come in

- Doc arrives 2:45am and preps everything (I’ve been at 10cm for over an hour and joking about how the baby is just going to fall out)

- 1 push and baby is out 3:04am

- 6lb12oz born at 38+5

I’m now a proud mama of 3 boys! My family is complete! 🤍