

My 1yo just projectile vomited. Before and after she seemed totally fine. About half an hour later she threw up again, looked yellow and mucusy. I just tried giving her a banana because she seemed hungry when I was getting dinner ready, and she ate about half, smiling and playing and singing the whole time, and then suddenly threw it all up again. Does this sound like something I should just monitor at home for now or at what point should I call a doctor? Never had to deal with anything like this before really so I don’t know what to do!

No other symptoms that I can see. No fever, no behavioral changes. A bit more calm/still than usual. She seems tired so I’m nursing her now and getting ready to put her to bed. I’ll sleep in her room tonight in case she’s sick again.

I’m assuming it’s just a stomach bug, but it’s so concerning to see so much vomit come out of such a small person!