Need opinions on mine and hubbys issues…

So our daughter is 1.5 months old. She was in the nicu for a month but we finally have her home. She has trouble eating so she’s on gel mix to thicken her formula and she has really bad reflux.

But none of that is the issue.

My hubby gets frustrated extremely easy. (He’s not abusing in any way shape or form, just making that clear) but he does get loud and mean with his words. I try to not do the situation doesn’t escalate. But everyone he tries to feed her, he’s not comfortable. So he keeps taking away the bottle to situate her so he’s comfortable then she gets angry and cries. Then he gets annoyed because she won’t take the bottle if she is crying. And it happens every time. So I offer to take her and finish feeding her and he gets mad at me for asking because he thinks I think he can’t feed his daughter. He tells me instead why don’t you help me and tell me how to hold her. But I do. My way doesn’t work for him. Then he says she’s so used to your way that I can’t feed her now. So because you hold her a certain way I can’t feed my daughter. Blaming me because of how I feed her. The feeding isn’t just the issue. She’s a crier and he will pick her up for like two minutes and she won’t calm down so he sets her down and says “I can’t do this, what’s the point of me holding her if she’s going to cry anyways.” And I tell him she needs comforting and it’s not going to just take two minutes you have to keep trying to see what works for her. And he just has excuse after excuse. Finally he just said to me that I have to feed her every time, apparently I have to be the one to get her to stop crying and I feel like im having to do it all by myself. I’ll do it because she my baby and I’ll do what I can for her but I also want to cry I feel so alone. He makes it seem like everything is my fault because he can’t handle his crying baby without get angry. What do I do? I know y’all can’t really give me an answer but what are your thoughts? Do any of you deal with a similar thing?