Ovarian cyst may have delayed period


Hi !

So my periods every month are on time. I’ve been using this app since 2016 and every time …it has predicted my AF …. Well she came on October 16- 21st…t But I had bleeding 6 days after my period in October.. started on October 27th.Heavy bleeding for three days which was super unusual. I also had pain in my left ovary the whole time. I ended up going to the ER. They did blood tests and internal ultrasound… found two more cysts they said are the kind that come and go.

My period was due 4 days ago and I’m wondering if cysts mess with my cycle?? I took a pregnancy test today and it was negative. I have no cramps (I usually have terrible cramps and back cramps before period) but instead enlarged breasts, swollen and tender. Not sure what’s going on. No sign of af…. I’m never late. Anyone?