Daughter has had ear ache for a week

My 3.5 year old got sent home Thursday from preschool with a fever. She’s been home with me since. I took her to the doctor Friday and they said it was just viral. They checked her ears too as she has been saying her right ear hurts since Sunday of last week.

They said there was fluid but it wasn’t infected and it could cause pain or discomfort until it’s gone.

Well it’s been a week since the ear ache started and 2 days since the doctor and she’s still complaining of her ear. This morning she woke up and it was beet red. But she also now has a horrible cough and lots of drainage from her nose.

She’s also still breaking a fever and it’s been 4 days since she got sent home with the fever.

Is this normal? I’ve never seen her have a fever this long. Also is it normal to experience ear pain this long as well? It’s right before the holidays and I’m so anxious she’ll get worse and I won’t be able to take her in.