Breastfeeding/ pumping/ working mom

First time Mom

Hello ladies,

I am almost 7 months pregnant, and hoping to breastfeed my baby. Given that this will be my first child, and I have zero experience with how it is to conciliate being a working mom and meeting my baby’s future nursing needs, I’d appreciate learning from your experience.

Will I be able to pump enough milk at home to meet by baby’s needs while away to the office? Will I have to pump at work to relief my breasts from getting too full? Sorry if my questions sound silly, but I plan to talk to HR soon about maternity leave, I would like to ask them if they offer any accommodation for breastfeeding/pumping. My work can be done remotely for instance and I’m only required to be at the office 3 days a week. Any one of you were able to get accommodations for pumping or working from home for a little while after maternity leave?