Son broke fever and miserable

So my kids were both sick last week. Horrible coughs and runny noses. They’re both getting over it now and were finally feeling better and they both got ear infections.

My oldest first she had a fever all weekend and had a bad infection in her ear.

Then my son yesterday at thanksgiving dinner broke a fever and Motrin isn’t touching it. It’s like 102 and Motrin drops it to 100 but he is still miserable. I gave him a. Warm bath thinking that would help and his skin turned purple and he was shivering while I got him back dressed and I felt horrible.

We took him to urgent care today because his dr was out for the holiday. They said one of his ears was a “little red” and sent in antibiotics. They were rushing because it was packed in there so they didn’t really explain. Can a little bit of redness or a slight infection be making him this miserable? He’s 14 months. He had his first round of antibiotics today but Motrin still won’t fully break his fever. He slept 14 hours total last night (lots of waking in between) and had a 3 hour nap. And after dinner at 5:30 he passed out on my chest when he just woke up from nap at 3:30. I feel so bad for him. How else can I make him comfortable?