Pulled on umbilical cord stump😫


My daughter is 4 days old and I was changing her onsie and accidentally tugged on her umbilical cord stump. Ugh! I noticed later that there is a small dot of blood on her fresh onsie and the stump looks mostly dry but if you touch it it can move like it’s half way off. 😩😢😥 I feel so bad I cried. I want her to be well. Has this happened to anyone before?? What happened to your baby? We’re they okay? I called the hospital to ask and they said that if it’s not actively bleeding then it’s most likely okay but if I am really concerned then to go to urgent care. I think it’s okay, but I still feel really bad and I worry about it now coming of prematurely or causing her pain and discomfort. Or exposing a fresh wound to possible infection. My mind is racing. 😥 any advice or sharing of past experiences. Thanks.