The birth of my son.


This was during COVID. During the pregnancy I had terrible gestational diabetes to the point that if they had known that my blood sugar was at 220 at the time they would've sent me to the ER. Because of the diabetes they decided to induce me a week early. Before they did the pit drip I had the epidural done which was terrible!! They ended up hitting a nerve to the point that I numbed immediately. They ask you to wiggle your toes but I couldn't feel a thing. The anesthesiologist was apologizing profusely saying he's been doing this for so many years and this is a first to ever happen. While this is going on my blood sugar dropped to 52. I was shaking so bad with a terrible headache. They had to stop giving me the medicine to make sure I wasn't paralyzed. When I started feeling pain from the contractions I asked for them to turn the button back on for the meds but the anesthesiologist was in a C-section. When it came to time to push my doctor tells me that I'm shaped like a funnel so my son may have issues coming out. He said if he knew earlier he would've planned a C-section which was his fault because he never checked my cervix only until I was 8 cm. I was torn quite a bit causing me to have quite a few stitches. My sone ended up getting stuck which they needed to use the vacuum to help get him out. He wasn't breathing for a minute and ten seconds which freaked me out. At this point I am zoned out and my doctor was trying to get my attention. I look up and see he is COVERED in blood. He tells me that I'm not hemorrhaging but I'm awfully close and before they can stitch me up they need to push my stomach to get a clot out. My husband nearly passed out at this point. I forgot to mention in the small room I was delivering in I ended up with my doctor, the pediatrician, a nurse, some other random person I don't remember who they were, 2 trainee nurses, and my husband. With COVID they tried to get you out as soon as possible but I had to stay 4 extra days because I kept having back spasms really bad from the epidural. My son was born 7lbs 14oz 22 inches long. He now is a healthy 3 year old. I was told if I ever have anymore kids it'll have to be a C-section.