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My husband and I have not been seeing eye to eye on something so please shoot us some advice that we can read together!

He likes to play video games after dinner to de-stress from work. He is the breadwinner. I am a sahm to our 7 kids. I don't mind THAT HE PLAYS, it's his TIMING. After dinner is when I need the most help. Our kiddos range from 12 years to 10 months. So while the 12 and 10yo may be doing homework after supper, I have a 2 year old and 10 month old in the tub, typically the 6&7 year old boys are running around crazy aggravating the 5yo girl, and I am just trying to get baby bathed, lotioned, in jammies and bottle made, older ones holler for help w homework, I still have to put dinner away and clean kitchen, basically I am running around like a headless chicken the entire time he is on the playstation. He says I am lucky he is home and not out cheating on me instead like some husbands would do. I understand that but if he would help me first and THEN go play, I wouldn't care that he plays.

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