Too soon?? Advice please

Backstory here: It all began a year ago in January when my boyfriend of 4 years broke up with me. I was crushed. I had imagined a whole future of children and marriage, and he simply did not want the commitment or responsibility. I then vowed I would look for a partner who wanted those things and was honest about it. In February, I met that man. He said he was looking to date for a wife and not a wild time. I agreed and we have been in love since.

A few times we have argued, but always agree to talk it out and explain our sides to find a compromise. He has always been honest from the beginning that his goal was to find someone to commit long-term, and now he proposed! It was last night, and I said yes. I am almost 23 with my Bachelor’s (entering a Master’s program in the summer) and he is in a construction engineering program to graduate in two years.

Are we rushing things after 11 months? Are we too young? Everyone around me has expressed shock, and I almost feel irresponsible somehow? I don’t know how to take on this life change when everyone around me has been negative. I am not pregnant. I feel that I am fairly level-headed and I do not expect a fairytale. I just felt ready to commit to this guy who has become my best friend, my lover, and someone who makes me smile. Our wedding would not be for another 10 months (September we think) so that also gives us time too. What do you think? Any advice is welcome. Thank you