My birth story of my baby Boy!


Sharing my story of birth as well. Not to make anyone uncomfortable but i had a birth story that was traumatic for me as a first time mom.

I got pregnant right after my wedding and it was completely an unexpected pregnancy. I went along with it as i was in my 30s and husband was super supportive. Through out, from the beginning of my pregnancy i had a condition called SPD (Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction) where i had trouble walking, running, and any activity that uses both my legs separately like wearing a trouser. Normally it occurs when you are at the end of your pregnancy however i had it since i got pregnant.

I was told to go for a normal delivery as it was my first pregnancy and for some reason the hospital doesn’t consider SPD as a reason to opt for a C-Section and the public hospital in our country does not allow to opt for c as long as one has a normal pregnancy without complication.

The day of my delivery, i went to the hospital at 3pm 13th November because i was having contractions since morning and was kept in observation for 4 hours. At 8.30pm i was checked for dilation and was 2 cm dilated. I also got to know that my cervix was posterior and cervix opening was behind my baby boys head. Doctors had a hard time doing PVs as well.

Then at 4cm i was taken ti the labour room and was prepped for an epidural. The doctor on call did a PV again, opened my cervix with her hands as much as she could and broke my water and at 7cms i got the epidural. I was happy and went on to dilate to 10cm and started pushing and thats when suddenly i felt everything. Epidural had stopped working on me and the pain was excruciating. baby boy had not dropped down because of his height and my cervix and was hard to push him to the opening as well. Went on to push with no energy and alot of pain at 6 or 7 am.

Doctors and nurses urged me to push however the pain was not allowing me to push and i avoided pushing for quite some time. I was so gassy and i vomited sometime later. Excessively vomited till i had no strength. My pain wasnt normal i felt it. And then it hit me. The pain i was feeling was not natural birth pain. It was SPD. It was extremely bad. Not pushing and staying upright was the only way the pain was less. Everyone was urging me to push. And at 7.30 am my heart rate was high and baby boys heart rate was dropping and still with the pushing i was trying to do was not helping, baby boy was still high up with just his head showing. And i had lost track of what was happening and started to weaken as we went on. My baby had to be vacuumed with doctors pushing on my stomach to push my baby down. I can vividly remember the whole scene and how chaotic it was.

Right when baby got out i lost consciousness and regained it when baby was a bit cleaned and kept on my chest. He was then taken to NICU and checked for problems. He had a cephalahematoma on his head where he was vacuumed and is still recovering from Jaundice.

We both were at the hospital for more than a week and we are still recovering from his jaundice. We are doing a lot better however we will be out of hot waters once the 45 day marker is out of topic. Currently 23 days.

I hope this helps all new moms and all mamas aware about situations as such. I had nightmares and hallucinations during the first two weeks postpartum. All you mamas are so strong. ❤️❤️