First time twin mom, HELP.

Me and my hubbt are first time parents to twin boys who are now 7 weeks, its been difficult as twin a has colic and twin b has clubfeet so we are swamped with appointments that i have to go to alone and its also a 3 hour drive there amd back so me and twin b are gone all day, so with his casts he is very grumpy and cant sleep good because he cant move his legs or stretch, twin a is constantly crying all day and needs to be held, we cant put him down or in his swing or vibrating bouncy chair without him screaming his lungs out the second hes put down so it takes our time away from twin b. So we are super exhausted, we are awake every 2-3 hours and i imagine my twins are ovwrtired too because they stay up ALL DAY and only nap for 10-20 minutes off and on.. We have tried "taking turns" but its even harder because we need to use the bathroom or are super hungry and thirsty but cant do much carrying two babies, i know its okay to let them cry for awhile but we live with partners father and he knocks on our door and asking why he is crying and it makes me feel like im not a good mom.. so i make sure they dont cry but we are both losing it, we dont have time to do anything, the house is a mess, theres fruit flies everywhere, i havent washed or brushed my hair in days and hubby hasnt showered in dayssss or even shaved in weeks, we constantly find ourselves arguing and ignoring eachother, we are just so exhausted.. my family would help but they all live in another town thats 2 hours away, his dad cant help because hes old and on a dialysis machine.. i feel like nothing is real anynore thats how tired we are, i need help or tips.. weve tried everything.. someone mentikned it could be the formula and they are on similac lactose free concretated milk.. idk i feel lost and i need advice