Just venting, sharing, and am looking for kind words

My husband sent me these texts this afternoon. I’m a mom of 2- one child in school another stays home with my husband. Just looking to vent and share. He sometimes helps with some tidying around the house but often does not. He also finds it fun if I didn’t organize something to his standard to dump it out of drawers or further destroy a room so I have to clean it up. I do all children’s routines for morning and night including making all meals. I even pack the ones he feeds our toddler for while I am at work. I work full time and am going to graduate school. Also important to share the savings account money was spend on a furnace repair and Christmas for the children. Thanks for letting me vent.

Edit to add- we are working on paying off some debts and I won’t be leaving until those are paid in order to be financially stable on my own for all costs including eventually daycare. I make too much money for any sort of daycare voucher or other financial support. Thank you to all who said kind words and took the time to comment.