Idk what to do


So last year in October I got a papsmear, well ever sense then sex has been horribly painful. I’ve been with the same guy for 5 years. We haven’t changed anything up and neither of us have been with other people. Anyways, I finally scheduled an appointment after about a year of painful sex because I thought it would just go away. It hasn’t and I have spoken to 3 different doctors and none of them are taking me seriously I feel like. I explained to them that when I got the papsmear it wasn’t just uncomfortable it felt like I was being torn open. The doctor who did it had a size that was to big and before going to get another size she tried using the big one. I kept telling her it hurt very bad and when she couldn’t get it all the way in she decided to finally get the other one. And literally ever since that day sex has been so painful it makes me cry. The first doctor just took blood and then never called me with the results. When I called she said everything was normal. She scheduled me for an ultrasound and now they have ‘lost’ my results. I have called the place where I got the ultrasound multiple times to have them refax the results to my doc and they do. But then she just doesn’t call me and keeps saying she lost them or doesn’t have them. I’m so confused and I don’t know what to do, my insurance only allows me to go to certain places. And everyone I’ve tried it’s like I just hit a wall. If anyone maybe has an idea of what could be going on ? Or advice on what I should do?