At my wits end


My LO is just over 6 months now, she is excelling and ahead of what she should be. We have had an amazing time with her. From 2.5 months she has slept through the night, no issues drinking or taking solids, no rashes or meds needed at all. She is almost at a crawl, balling, copying, is having her 3rd tooth erupt and has gotten a taste of protein now.

I think we have hit the 6 month sleep regression. She fights to the point of causing my eye to bleed slapping me in the face, she is fighting tooth and nail to sleep especially at night. She has learnt to lock her jaw for no more food. All this coupled with her learning so many things at once and not to mention the 3rd tooth.

Plus don't get me started on the heat wave we are having in SA. So all this with the heat isn't helping her sleep.

My husband can't put his own daughter to sleep as they both run so hot they cook each other.

I need to know does it get better, how do I cope as I haven't had sleep or eating issues with her. Please help. I'm struggling I don't know how to cope.