Clomid for unexplained infertility- need stories of hope ❤️


Hello! Have any of you taken clomid when you already ovulate but have unexplained infertility? If so, did it work for you? How long did it take? Did you end up with multiples?

My doctor has just prescribed me clomid for my next cycle. I already ovulate, but not every cycle. Even when I do ovulate, I’m not getting pregnant. I read that clomid is for women who don’t ovulate. My doctor said that it’s fine since my ovulation isn’t consistent, but if I take it and I happen to ovulate normally that month that there is a higher chance of multiples or twins. That’s an exciting possibility but also terrifying 😅

My husband and I have been trying for a year. He’s been checked & it’s not a problem on his end. I’ve been feeling so discouraged. If you have a clomid success story, please share! ❤️