Ultrasound Disbelief


Just had anatomy scan a few days ago and tech mentionedit looks like a girl this time (third baby, older 2 are boys) but im.not sure is I believe it lol. My oldest two I KNEW they were boys from the second I got a positive test but this time i only foundouti was pregnant 4 days beforemy scan so i had no idea that i was even pregnant much less 20w4d along. Anyway, my point is, the tech says it looks like girl but he couldn'tget a clear enough image to say with confidence. However, my second son i was told he was a girl at both my 20 week scan and againat 24 weeks when i had to return for more heart imaging, but when he was born he was very obviously NOT a girl lol. So, does anyone else have any similar experiences? Were the anatomy scans accurate for you? I just dont know at this point, and i know theres only about 5% of times when the anatomy scan is wrong.